Profit and Loss object
A Profit and Loss object represents a profit and loss report that has been generated for a Business.
Profit and Loss reports are generated for a specific time range and only contain information for categorized transactions that have been journaled to the general ledger.
ID of the Business the profit and loss report was generated for.
Resource type. Value will be “Profit_And_Loss”
Start date for data included in the report.
End date for data in cluded in the report.
A Line Item object representing the cost of goods sold line items in the report.
Gross profit in cents. Calculated by subtracting total cost_of_sales line items from total income line items.
Net profit before taxes in cents. Calculated by subtracting total expenses line items from gross_profit.
Net profit in cents. Calculated by subtracting total taxes line items from profit_before_taxes
A Line Item object representing business outflow transactions that are not part of the profit and loss statement.
A Line Item object representing personal expense transactions that are not part of the profit and loss statement.
A boolean representing whether all imported transactions within the report date range have been categorized. If FALSE, there are uncategorized transactions within the selected date range, indicating the provided report data may be incomplete.
Line Item object
Enum name for the line item. Ex. “REVENUE”
Display name for the line item. Ex. “Revenue”
The value of the line item in cents.