Record write-off
This endpoint records a write-off of an invoice in Layer.
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Content-Type must be set to application/json
Path Parameters
The UUID of the business the invoice is associated with
The UUID of the invoice the write-off is applied to
Unique ID of the write-off in your system for linking and idempotency.
The amount written off. This amount counts towards the invoice total and decreases the outstanding balance of the invoice. The amount is optional if omitted, default to the entire outstanding balance of the invoice. If specified, the amount must be a positive value and cannot exceed the current outstanding balance of the invoice.
User-specified memo indicating the reason for the write-off. Recommended but not required.
Expense or contra-revenue account where write off amount is recorded. See AccountIdentifier for more details. This field is optional and defaults to the bad debt expense account. If the write-off is for a different reason, such as a charitable donation, a different ledger expense account can be specified here.
Timestamp when the write off should be recognized in the general ledger.
Unique identifier for the write-off.
Unique ID of the write-off in your system for linking and idempotency.
The amount written off. This amount counts towards the invoice total and decreases the outstanding balance of the invoice. The amount is optional if omitted, default to the entire outstanding balance of the invoice. If specified, the amount must be a positive value and cannot exceed the current outstanding balance of the invoice.
User-specified memo indicating the reason for the write-off.
Expense or contra-arevenue account where write off amount is recorded.
Timestamp when the write off should be recognized in the general ledger.